We made it back alive! I was a little nervous when we first started, but alas the prodigal blogger returns. Let me preface this trip by saying it was way harder than I expected. Read below:
We started the adventure on Tuesday leaving Breckenridge in the dust and headed west towards Aspen. We decided to camp out tuesday night and hike in wednesday morning. Finding a camping spot was an adventure on its own. It was one of those camping excursions where you just go and errr well just go. We drove around for over an hour trying to find the all mighty camping spot and ended up driving 18 miles with the gas light on. We went up towards Sunlight Mountain and just kept driving. Eventually we found this:
NOOO thats not a camp site. We almost got run off the road by a herd of cows. These boogers don't move when you drive up behind them. We were just short of unleashing Montana's rath when the sound of the horn got their butts in gear. Eventually we left the smell of cow poop behind and found a pretty nice camping spot covered by some trees. That was about the time the rain started.
It didn't stop.
We started our hike in a monsoon and learned quickly that wet shoes were a thing of the past. The first 2 hours looked similar to this:
We passed about 14 people on their way down and we were one group of very few hardy enough to trudge on. Luckily we did because eventually this happened:
**GASP** is that blue sky?!?! Boo...Ya
The rest of the trip was easy...NOT. The last two mile of this hike are straight up. Mentally and physically this was a challenge. Regardless, I made it:) Here are some more pictures:
The wild flower fields were fantastic. Seriously, some of the best I've ever seen.
Exhibit A.
Brett and I decided to go to the actual hot springs the next morning. It had started to rain again Wednesday night and we just wanted to stay warm and dry. It's good we decided to wait because no one was there 9am Thursday morning. Apparently dogs are no longer allowed within 3 miles of the hot springs and this was news to us. We tried tying up Montana away from the hot springs but he started barking so he ended up being closer then he should have.
All in all the trip was awesome. I'm not sure if we'll do it again but I don't regret going. It's one of those backpacking trips you need to do.
I love this picture!