Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Condundrum Birthday

OKAY so I'm not as good at this blogging thing as I thought but I haven't given up yet:) I'm currently on day 8 of a straight 9 day working binge.


Good news is I'm still alive. Bad news is, well, I guess working 9 days in a row is bad enough. I deserved it though, seeing as I took a week off to go play in Lake Powell. LAKE POWELL?? Yep, I got back on the 9th and have worked everyday since.

Lake Powell was fantastic. I went for my family reunion, all 10 of us. Small family, big drinking tolerance. In between the boating and sun bathing we got to see sights like this:

and this....

I have some more pictures I'll add later.

My birthday is coming up this Thursday and Brett and I are planning on backpacking to the condundrum hot springs. Unfortunately, the weather is calling for a 40% chance of rain. Regardless, we are trudging forward and darn it I will get bare ass into those hot springs. Here is a sneak peek of what to expect following the adventure...

Until next time which could be a month seeing my track record.

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