Sunday, June 27, 2010

my week without gluten

I don't have a gluten allergy. Infact, I love bread. I love anything with gluten in it. One may even consider I have a gluten addiction. But for some unknown reason, I have decided to try going gluten free.

I'm not 100% gf but I'm pretty darn close. Since embarking on this journey I've noticed:

- I have little to no bloating
- Feel lighter
- More energy, much more
- I sleep way better

The weird thing about being gluten free is I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I'm not even trying this to lose massive amounts of weight. I just feel like I'm not optimizing my bodies full energy potential.

It really is incredible how much better I feel. Will I stay gluten free forever? Probably not, but i'm sure going to cut out as much as I can handle.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What am I doing with my life (the unanswerable question)


Its the age I'm turning next month. The age my mother was when she started planning her wedding. Its also the number of jobs I've applied for in the last 2 years (well, at least it feels that way.)

No, I'm not unemployed. I actually have a half decent job considering I live in Breckenridge. It just seems society has deemed this age when most should have their shit together.

note: I don't consider myself one of those people.

Has it always been this way? Wasn't it just 30 years ago 24 was the age mothers started having their second kid? Am I ignorant? Possibly, but I can't explain the pressue I'm starting to feel in regards to my life. Who put a timeline on growing up?

I feel by now I should (this list is in no particular order):

- be engaged.

-have enough money to start thinking about putting a down payment on a house.

-have a job that pays me salary.

-NOT live paycheck to paycheck

-be 30 lbs lighter

OK, OK, maybe i'm sounding ridiculous but this IS the age you start thinking about these things. Right? I don't lose sleep over my excuse for an adult life, but I do think about these things from time to time.

Thus, this blog came to be. I'm going to document my attempt to grow up. It won't be pretty, plenty of empty bottles of wine ensue, but I'm going to try and get my shit together (for lack of better words.)

Wish me luck. Until then I'm going to go play in the mountains and drink a bottle of red to myself.

Don't judge me, growing up takes time.

I'm a blogger! I think...

Hello cyber world. This is a first attempt and possibly last (depending on my dedication) to join this blogging craze.

Why blog one might ask?

Well, I often wonder if anyone would ever read my silly stories and ideas. I really started considering the idea once I started following I know, I know, I dream big. But the fact of the matter is I've never been a writer, I don't particularily like the spot light, and I don't live with the love of my life on a ranch in the middle of Oklahoma.

Regardless, I'm not going to sell myself short and hopefully along this path i'll make you laugh and bring a smile to your (whoever "you" are) face.

Join me on this little experiment and maybe I'll brighten someones day.